30th November Carol playing - town centre
7th December Carol playing - town centre
7th December  Whaplode - informal concert in Chapel
8th December Christmas shopping Day
9th December Christmas Bingo sessions
13th December Carol playing - Tescos
14th December Christmas Concert at the Holbeach Methodist Chapel
15th December Carols at Holbeach Hospital
20th December Carol playing - Tesco's
21st December Carol playing - town centre
24th December Carol playing - town centre

Carol Playing

Our first Saturday carol playing is usually on the first Saturday of December, but this year we started on 30th November.  It was a pleasant day and we had a good turnout (as we have had throughout the Christmas period).  There did not seem many people about but our collection was quite good.

The next Saturday, 7th December, was a damp drizzly day but we were invited to play under the canopy of Somerfield supermarket.  Again there was a reasonable turnout.

On Friday 13th December we were invited to play outside Tesco supermarket.  We started playing at 6.30pm with a much reduced band but members gradually arrived over the next hour so that by 7.30pm we had most parts covered.  Tescos kindly invited us in for a short break and a hot drink.

Whaplode Concert

We played at the Whaplode Methodist Chapel in the centre of the village.  The chapel is very small and we had difficulty in fitting the band in!  The Chapel had helld its Christmas dinner in the back room and we were the after dinner entertainment.  We had to make room for our audience to get to their seats before setting up completely.  The audience was very enthusiastic and it was a very enjoyable evening. - Programme

Shopping Day

Christmas Shopping day was on Sunday 8th December. We started playing at 12.30pm and had planned to play until the activities finished at 4.00pm but it was bitterly cold and we finished early at 3.00pm.  Yet again we had a good-sized band and were well-received by the passers-by.  We had a short break at 2.00pm when the Christmas parade passed through.

Bingo session

The Band runs regular bingo sessions at the WI Hall in Holbeach.  As this was the last session before Christmas we played some festive music at half time.  Les Ward, the Band's fund-raiser who organises the bingo sessions, presented the band with a cheque for the proceeds of recent fund-raising.  The Musical Director was away on holiday!


Christmas Concert

Our main Christmas concert this year was on 14th December at the Methodist Chapel.  It was due to be held at the WI Hall, but the hall was double-booked and we had to find another venue quickly.  Our thanks to the Methodist chapel.  The concert itself was well attended and enjoyed by all.  The band provided refreshments at the interval.  A raffle was held for band funds. Programme

Holbeach Hospital

On Sunday afternoon, 15th December, the band played in the 3 dayrooms at Holbeach Hospital.  The Hospital staff were very pleased and asked the band to return again.